Analyzing the numbers vs benchmark
Compiled by M. Rockcliffe
(Click on each image to enlarge)

The General Assembly in its Resolution 73/274
paragraph 14, noted that the Pension Board would consider issues of
participation, rotation and equitable representation on the Board and would
review inter alia the composition and size of the Board, including the
role of retiree representatives and the modalities for directly electing
retiree representatives to the Board, and requested the Board to provide
detailed follow-up on all aspects of the resolution including on the
implementation of the recommendations of the Office of Internal Oversight
Services agreed to by the Board. |
The General Assembly emphasized its existing
prerogative on matters pertaining to the Fund in paragraph 5 of resolution
73/274, and in paragraph 21 recalled that it has sole and ultimate authority
to approve amendments to the Regulations governing the Fund;
the GA requested in paragraph 20 that the Board to consider the impact of an
amendment of Article 6. We find that the amendment to exclude certain
participants of the Fund, would result in a double standard and violation of Article
8 of the United Nations Charter. |
Paragraph General Assembly
RES/73/274 highlighted the importance to ensure unfaltering accountability by
the Board.
Over the past several
months Staff Pension Committees have been faced with disability cases where
the official was on a “non-renewable” appointment of five years or less.
Since disability benefits
are based on a contributory service projected to the participant’s normal
retirement age, the benefits derived in these cases is inconsistent with the
temporary nature of the appointment and this loophole may often result in undue
enrichment of those concerned |
Note by United Nations Participants’ Representatives
to the Pension Board
Composition of
the Board
Even though the proposal
was not unanimous and did not represent a consensus, in 2018 the Board
proposed to amend Article 48 in an attempt to reduce the jurisdiction of the
United Nations Appeals Tribunal The General Assembly in their resolution
73/274 requested that the Pension Board “provide further analysis on the 2018
proposed amendment to Article 48 of the Regulations and Rules and Pension
Adjustment System of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund and to
report thereon in the context of the next report.”
The present proposal
in the Note by the Secretary/CEO does not provide an analysis but merely
proposes to re-submit an amendment. It
fails to address the underlying concerns of the General Assembly in making
such a far-reaching change. |
The General Assembly in is resolution 73/274 paragraph
14(a) noted that the Board would review The terms of reference,
and self-evaluation methodology of Board members; The
resolution takes note of the OIOS recommendation 1 in its report A/73/341 as follows:
“The Board should: (a) establish clear terms of reference for its members outlining, inter alia, the desirable competencies for their appointment and any appropriate restrictions or limitations; and (b) review its current methodology for self-evaluation to make the exercise more effective and useful.” |