Thursday, April 28, 2022

Passblue: Further Outsourcing of $86 Billion UN Pension Fund Is Paused, and Questions Arise About Russian Investments, April 28, 2022

Further Outsourcing of $86 Billion UN Pension Fund Is Paused, and Questions Arise About Russian Investments

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has paused his plan to further outsource the management of the $86 billion UN pension fund’s assets to Wall Street. The plan to allow an additional 18 percent of the fund’s assets to investment companies would have doubled the amount already being privatized.

Questions also have arisen about the fund’s investments in Russia, given its most recent invasion of Ukraine....



Friday, April 22, 2022

New Data Shows UN Pension Fund Outsourcing Would Cost Millions, April 22, 2022


New information shared with UN staff unions by the pension fund shows that since the start of the year its own fixed-income portfolio has actually outperformed the Wall Street benchmark.

This means that had the fund outsourced our money, it would have made a loss and would have had to pay millions in unnecessary fees.
This news is significant as it corrects earlier claims that the pension fund’s internal team was underperforming.
It also confirms our belief in the importance of properly empowering and trusting the investment officers of the pension fund and of having addressed the managerial issues in the fixed-income team, highlighted by OIOS, that were at the heart of its earlier problems.
This situation is likely to further improve as new staff join the fund and a new strategic asset allocation is implemented. A letter was sent in this regard to the Secretary-General.
While the plan to outsource has been paused, we don’t think that this issue is over. UN staff unions will continue through CCISUA to oppose any attempt to outsource our Pension Fund.
If you haven’t signed the staff union petition please take a minute to do so.