Response to the FICSA President: Petition to
keep our pension in the UN and out of hedge funds
20 May 2015
Dear Mr. El-Tabari,
We refer to your letter to 'Dear
Colleagues' on the subject of 'Petition to keep our pension in the UN and out
of hedge funds' dated today, 20 May 2015, and posted on the AFICS/NY website.
We invite you to read again the petition to
which you refer (link below). You will notice that it includes no mention
whatsoever of "breaches" by the Pension Fund CEO.
Your own letter calls attention to "allegations of breaches by the CEO" which you note
"might have grounds", including "breaches in promotion or in
favouritism" and "allegations of misuse of funds."
The petition launched on 8 May 2015 made no
mention of such matters, choosing to focus instead on the substance of
the proposed changes to the operations of the UNJSPF.
Given that you note the principle of
"people are honest unless proven otherwise", why repeat allegations
against the Pension Fund CEO, particularly when you attribute them to a source
(the petition) which contains no mention of such allegations?
Mr. Jerry Barton's (ARICSA) letter to which
you link in your letter also contains several similar errors. We are therefore
copying him on this communication.
It's regrettable that you and Mr. Barton have
promulgated letters with such obvious errors of fact in the midst of a debate
that is already rife with inaccuracies, unwitting or otherwise.
With best regards.
Loraine Rickard-Martin
Lowell Flanders
Julie Thompson
AFICS/NY members
"Concerned citizens" and supporters
of the petition
c.c. Mr. Jerry Barton, President, ARICSA
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