The UN Dispute Tribunal cites
“unlawfulness” in the Fund’s selection for a vacant D1 post; low investment
performance continued in 2016; there are concerns about outside consultants, performance of the Pension Board Chair and Board members, including FAFICS, the UN retiree representative organization, and participant representative elections. Guterres
must be firmly at the helm if our Fund is to correct course.
General Assembly resolution
71/265, adopted on 23 December 2016, took to task the Pension Fund leadership on
both sides (Secretariat and Investment Management Division, IMD) for serious managerial deficiencies (see link). The resolution calls for remedial action from the Secretary-General and the Fund leadership in order for the Fund to correct course.
Five weeks after adoption of the resolution and almost a month since the Secretary-General took up his duties, has there been any progress?
We've heard that the Chief Executive Officer of the Fund Secretariat, Sergio Arvizu, wants to restart staff-management consultations; but there’s no real sign that he's been chastened.
We also know from publicly available documentation that low investment performance for 2014-2015 cited by the General Assembly continued in 2016 under the Representative of the Secretary-General for Investments, Carol Boykin.
We also know from publicly available documentation that low investment performance for 2014-2015 cited by the General Assembly continued in 2016 under the Representative of the Secretary-General for Investments, Carol Boykin.
Recall that the problems
highlighted in the resolution concern, on the Fund Secretariat side, unprecedented delays in
pension payments to new retirees and survivors, and massive foreign exchange
losses ($3.4 billion for the biennium 2014-2015) and low investment performance
that places the Fund’s sustainability at risk, on the Investment side, among other issues.
Fund Secretariat
Selection for vacant
D1 post
Two weeks ago the Fund CEO selected for the third time for a
vacant D1 post of Chief of Technology, an auditor from the Office of Internal
Oversight Services who reportedly for many years and until recently conducted
audits of the Fund’s technology system.
This decision was taken in the face of questions of conflict of interest, and despite admonitions from the UN Dispute Tribunal
concerning the “unlawfulness” of the process.
TheTribunal in both judgments reminded the CEO that “the UN is not a private corporation, and its posts are financed through public funds, which calls for transparency and accountability in the recruitment system” (paras. 42 and 49, respectively, in UNDT/NY/2016/024, and UNDT/NY/2016/073).
TheTribunal in both judgments reminded the CEO that “the UN is not a private corporation, and its posts are financed through public funds, which calls for transparency and accountability in the recruitment system” (paras. 42 and 49, respectively, in UNDT/NY/2016/024, and UNDT/NY/2016/073).
An iSeek (UN Intranet) message posted on 23 January 2017 states that “on average the Fund can now
process more than 1,000 cases a month…As of 1 January 2017 the Fund had an
‘opening balance’ of only 367 actionable separation cases to be processed [of
which] most arrived at the Fund in the last week of December”.
CCISUA's (the Coordinating Committee for International Staff Unions and Associations) article dated 9 December 2016 concerning a leaked Office of Internal
Oversight Services (OIOS) audit report of the backlog in pension
payments, notes among the audit's findings: (see link):
“44. There is doubt that the fund performed its role of secretary of
the UN Staff Pension Committee, for which it is paid $21 million per biennium,
in following up with UN organizations on incomplete paperwork.
45. The fund published misleading data on the UN intranet. It
claimed on 6 June 2016 that there were 95 pending cases from newly retiring
staff. The true figure was 1,368.”
Given CCISUA’s report that OIOS found
that the Fund had promulgated misleading information, on the payment backlog, we must consider
that the latest iSeek message may also contain alternative facts. We're also told in
the iSeek message that Member self-service is “on fire”. It's well and good
for retirees already receiving steady pension payments to have better service.
We’re glad, too, to note from the message that some
time in March participants and beneficiaries will be able to access through Member Self-Service,
information to monitor progress of their pension payments and make inquiries
and receive responses by email.
That still leaves the question of “non-actionable”
cases of retirees, widows and orphans. How many ‘non-actionable’ cases, i.e, with incomplete documentation or
other issues, are still pending, of which some have been languishing
for a year and more?
The GA resolution expresses "serious concern" at the continued delays "that may place beneficiaries and retirees, as well as their families, in difficult situations". How does the Fund spend the $21 million it receives from the GA every biennium to follow up on incomplete paperwork? What is the hidden cost in human suffering of these "non actionable" cases?
The GA resolution expresses "serious concern" at the continued delays "that may place beneficiaries and retirees, as well as their families, in difficult situations". How does the Fund spend the $21 million it receives from the GA every biennium to follow up on incomplete paperwork? What is the hidden cost in human suffering of these "non actionable" cases?
Outside consultants
There’s an end-to-end review of the payment process underway and reliable sources say that despite the GA resolution’s admonition
in paragraph 29 of its resolution against the hiring of outside consultants
(“emphasizes the need for the Pension Board ot ensure that the Fund takes appropriate
measures to use existing internal capacities and avoid the use of consultants
in its operations, as appropriate), the review is being carried out by outside
consultants to the tune of $1 million plus dollars of our hard-earned savings.
Investment Management Division
investment performance continues for 2016
The picture on investment performance isn’t encouraging,
or surprising. The GA resolution took the Fund to task for not meeting, in the 2014-2015 biennium, its 3.5 per cent target annual real rate of return and for incurring foreign
exchange losses of $3.4 billion without a mitigating system
in place (paras. 24 and 25) .
In addition, “investment income fell by $5.26 billion (76 per cent) in 2014 compared with 2013 and by a further $2.12 billion (127.63 per cent) in 2015 compared with 2014” (para. 6 (b) Board of Auditors report, A/71/5/Add. 16.)
In addition, “investment income fell by $5.26 billion (76 per cent) in 2014 compared with 2013 and by a further $2.12 billion (127.63 per cent) in 2015 compared with 2014” (para. 6 (b) Board of Auditors report, A/71/5/Add. 16.)
Preliminary returns on investment were 5.03 per cent as of December 2016. Taking into account 2.1 per cent inflation for the year, this puts the IMD real return on
investment at 2.93 per cent compared with its 3.5 per cent target.
Note an article from Pension and Investments titled "Returns strong in 2016 despite scary beginning", which states that 2016 was an exceptionally
good year for both US based and global funds. Average US based funds earned 6.7
per cent nominally and 4.6 per cent in real inflation adjusted terms The article includes this chart of global pension returns for 2016. (A link which requires sign-up and full text of article are provided below).

A look at IMD’s monthly November 2016 report shows the Fund trailing its own policy benchmark by 1.78 per cent. Although the monthly report for December has not yet been posted, it’s highly unlikely that IMD could make up that much ground in a single month (see link).
Consider that if IMD
had simply followed the index it would have met its 3.5 per cent real rate of
return target. So IMD has contributed what the Pension Board report terms "manager value added (negative effect)"(A/71/9, para. 161). Media sources report that investment performance of the Maryland state employee pension system for which the RSG was chief investment officer from 1999 to 2003 ranked in 2001 in last place in a national survey(see link to Baltimore Sun article).
actions have been taken since the GA resolution?
Currently there’s no information
on any progress that may have been made on the GA’s very serious observations and requests for action, including that the Secretary-General "entrust the Office of Internal Oversight Services with conducting a comprehensive audit
of the Fund’s policies on, inter alia, risk management, investment management
and other administrative processes” (paragraph 30 of the resolution).
Will the OIOS audits
include an investigation into the selection of the OIOS candidate for the vacant D1 post? Will the audits look into the selection, evaluation, and fees paid to external investment managers? Will
the audits include what reliable sources refer to as IMD's "hospitality log"?
The GA refers to its earlier resolution, 70/248, and notes that the
Secretary-General’s report did not contain information on the RSG’s
performance, and requests that this information be included in all his future
reports (para.28). In this regard, is the RSG's contract up for renewal, and if so, has it been renewed?
Board Chair and members
The Pension
Board led by chairman, Vladimir Yossifov, at the Board’s annual meeting in
Vienna muzzled our staff unions, chided and intimidated the press for
writing about the problems at the Fund, and pushed for early renewal of the CEO's contract which ends in December 2017.
What can be done to
ensure a more responsible and accountable Pension Board? How can we ensure that
Secretary-General representatives, G.A. and UN Agency representatives, and our
retiree representative organization, the Federation of Associations of Former
International Civil Servants (FAFICS), which holds six seats on the Board, act in an informed, responsible and accountable manner in representing our interests?
The UN retiree representative organization, FAFICS, did not support our staff unions' efforts to uncover problems at the Fund. Instead, its president placed obstacles in the way of transparency and followed her own agenda, including attempting to block the OIOS audit of the payment backlog.
The UN retiree representative organization, FAFICS, did not support our staff unions' efforts to uncover problems at the Fund. Instead, its president placed obstacles in the way of transparency and followed her own agenda, including attempting to block the OIOS audit of the payment backlog.
Ensuring free and fair elections of staff participants to the Board’s UN Pension Committee
How do we ensure that elections for staff participants to the UN Pension Committee, whose terms expired at the end of 2016 (four reps and two alternates) are free and fair? The CEO as head of the Fund Secretariat
holds the cards in terms of contacts with the entire body of Fund participants and beneficiaries, including 86,000 who are eligible to vote. Currently only two slots are occupied, an unacceptable situation that must be remedied by elections soonest.
More questions than answers
When the staff unions met with the Secretary-General on 9 January 2017 at his first townhall, they exhorted him as follows: “The
fund’s staff work so hard. But its leadership stumbles from one mess to
another. The General Assembly heard us and blocked the fund’s exit from the UN.
We now count on you to change the fund’s leadership” (see link).
Currently, there are more questions than answers. These are issues that are of crucial importance to the continued health of our Fund and must be resolved without further delay. This is not to say the iceberg is imminent or unavoidable. It’s to say that it would be imprudent to expect that the Fund managers who created the problems in the first place can be relied upon to correct course. Absent reliable representation, retirees
must continue to support the staff unions in pushing for necessary changes and take whatever action we can ourselves.
It is imperative and urgent that Secretary-General Guterres places his hands firmly on the helm in order to correct our Fund's course before it's too late.
It is imperative and urgent that Secretary-General Guterres places his hands firmly on the helm in order to correct our Fund's course before it's too late.
Flat funded status
Australia improves
Returns strong in 2016 despite scary
pension funds' comeback stalled by increasing liabilities
BAKER | JANUARY 23, 2017
An eventful year filled
with geopolitical drama, market volatility and diverging monetary policy gave
rise to some impressive returns for pension funds in seven
of the world's largest retirement markets. The average investment returns for pension funds
in Australia, Canada, Japan, the Netherlands, Switzerland, the U.K. and
the U.S. were higher in 2016 than the year before and ranged from the U.K.'s
20% to a 2.8% average for Japanese funds.
The year started with a stock market crash in China and an
increasingly accommodative monetary policy from the Bank of Japan, followed by
the U.K.'s shock vote to leave the European Union. Commodity prices began to
regain ground, and the year ended with the election of Donald Trump as U.S. president.
But the volatility created by these events looks to have played
to the advantage of pension funds, at least at first glance, said sources.
The U.K. was by far the market with the highest average return,
at an estimated 20%. That compares with a range of zero to 2% for 2015.
“Brexit was the
more significant (event) for U.K. pension funds,” said Phil Edwards, Bristol,
England-based principal and European director of strategic research at Mercer Ltd. “There was a large devaluation in
sterling, a large fall in gilt yields and the FTSE 100 rose fairly materially
after that event.”
Between June 24 and the end of
the year, the pound sterling fell 17.05% against the dollar, while the FTSE
All-Share index rose 5.52% in dollar terms. For the year, the pound dropped
16.26% vs. the dollar, while the FTSE All-Share gained 16.75% in dollar terms.
U.K. pension funds that had
little or no currency hedge on their overseas assets will have reaped richest
benefits of currency moves. But “almost all schemes will have benefited to some
extent,” Mr. Edwards said.
Allocations to growth
fixed-income assets such as local currency emerging market debt and high-yield
bonds “will have seen decent returns from that part of the portfolio,” he said.
However, there is a
counterpoint to the stellar returns for U.K. pension funds: A
drop in gilt yields after the Brexit vote has pushed liabilities up. Mr.
Edwards estimated liabilities are probably up around 20% to 25% for the year.
“Even though assets rose over the course (of 2016), with
strong returns overall, funding levels will have moved much less
than that as liability valuations” also were up.
But there would have been
moments of opportunity in inflated asset levels for pension funds.
“Defined benefit schemes are on a path to gradually derisk away from equities
toward lower risk portfolios. More and more schemes now have derisking triggers
in place,” said Mr. Edwards, meaning as a funded level rises to a certain
point, assets are moved into bonds and less risky exposures. Given equity
rallies toward the end of the year and increased yields, “we will have seen a
number of schemes going through derisking triggers.”
Flat funded status
Little movement in
funded levels was also a theme in the Netherlands, said Mercer principals and investment consultants
Edward Krijgsman and Dennis van Ek, both based in Amstelveen. Pension funds
started the year 102% funded, and finished at the same level. “However, the
102% we started with went below 95% in March but recovered,” said Mr.
A decrease in interest rates in
2016, pushing fixed-income allocations into positive performance, was
beneficial to Dutch pension funds but did harm funding levels. Mr. Krijgsman
said these funds have a relatively high interest rate hedge, around 40% of the
market rate of liabilities. Messrs. Krijgsman and van Ek put the
average pension fund return at 7.3% vs. 1.1% in 2015. “That lies
very close to the performance of the average
Dutch pension fund on their fixed-income portfolio, about 6.8%,”
said Mr. Krijgsman. Equities also performed well, with the MSCI Europe index
gaining 3.1% in dollar terms.
An average 50% currency hedge
will also have helped bolster returns, as the euro fell about 3% against the
dollar. Executives at Mercer have and will be encouraging clients to look
carefully at their currency hedges going forward. “We don't favor 100% hedges
on all currencies, or any one hedge. The U.S. dollar can offer some favorable
(advantages) when there is a problem in the eurozone,” said Mr. van Ek. And
with important elections coming up in European countries and ongoing
accommodative monetary policy, “even with the unrest in the U.S. with (Mr.)
Trump, we see certain exposure may be desirable, simply from a risk strategy,”
he added.
However, the fall in sterling
makes that currency less attractive, and “it would be wise to have a large
hedge on that,” he said.
Australia improves
Australian pension funds came next in
the ranking, with an average 7.2% return, up from 5.6% a year earlier, showed
data from SuperRatings Pty Ltd. The so-called Santa rally in December
contributed 2.1% to overall returns, and the Australian dollar fell 1.1%
against the U.S. dollar.
The Australia stock market, the ASX 200, also gained
11.79% in 2016 in U.S. dollar terms.
U.S. pension funds clearly benefited from the strong U.S.
dollar, and returns reached 6.7% according to Willis Towers Watson PLC. That
compares with -0.8% for 2015.
Last year was a “pretty good year for equities,” said Alan
Glickstein, a senior consultant at Willis Towers Watson in Dallas. The Russell
3000 gained 12.74% over the year. That would have benefited U.S. funds, which
had an average 63% allocation to domestic equities at year-end 2015.
But it was not all clear sailing. The funded status of the
average plan hovered around 80%. Also noteworthy is “how dramatically different
things would have been if we ended the year the day before our elections,” Mr.
Glickstein said, referring to the Nov. 8 U.S. presidential election. “Things
would have been much worse,” with a funded status probably around 75% or a
little less, the lowest level Willis Towers Watson has seen in its analysis.
Equities were not performing as well, and rates were much lower. “Immediately
after (the election) liabilities dropped a bit and equities were up. So that
sort of saved us from what would have been an ugly year from a funded
perspective, to one that looks pretty flat,” added Mr. Glickstein.
north, Canadian pension fund returns came next, with an
estimated 6.5% return on the typical 60-40 portfolio, said Bruce Curwood,
director, investment strategy at Russell Investments Canada in Toronto. While volatility
hit global markets, Canadian plans fared well based on three major,
interrelated issues: rebounds in material and energy prices; a resulting 21.08%
gain in U.S. dollar terms for the Canadian stock market, the S&P/ TSX; and
increased Canadian bond yields.
“Even with a soft economy, subdued domestic growth and low
inflation, Canadian bond yields increased across the board this past year,
decreasing pension liabilities, yet still managing to provide a
positive investment return” of 1.7% for the FTSE TMX Universe in Canadian
dollar terms, said Mr. Curwood.
Last year “was almost a complete reversal from the poor
year Canada experienced in 2015 for commodities, the Canadian stock market and
domestic Canadian interest rates,” he added. He said Canadian funds will have
“gained ground in their fight for 100% solvency funding,” as rising
interest rates decreased liabilities, while assets increased in value.
Swiss pension funds also made a marked
improvement on their 2015 returns, hitting an estimated 4.2% vs. 0.7% a
year previous, estimated Daniel Blatter, senior analyst at WTW in
Zurich. Pension funds made small shifts out of bonds in favor of
alternatives and real estate, and equities saw a small increase in terms of the
proportion of overseas exposure. “The key driver of decisions on investment
strategy in 2016 has been the low/negative interest rate environment with Swiss
government bond yields below zero for much of the curve,” Mr. Blatter said.
This, along with fears of the effects of negative
interest rates on fixed-income portfolios, has led to moves away from
bonds, he said. “Given the subdued return expectations together with high risks
associated with equities, our clients have sought to improve portfolio
diversification by moving into alternative assets such as insurance-linked
final pension fund market analyzed by Pensions & Investments was Japan, with an average 2.8% return
for Russell Investments'
universe of corporate pension funds. That compares with a less than
2% estimate for 2015. Fixed income was also a focus
for pension fund executives, thanks to the unexpected
introduction in January of a negative interest rate by Haruhiko Kuroda,
governor of the Bank of Japan. “As a result, the yield of the 10-year JGB
became negative, and dealing with domestic fixed income became the most
interesting topic in 2016,” said Konosuke Kita, director of consulting at
Russell Investments in Tokyo. Investors moved out of Japanese fixed income and
into assets such as hedged international fixed income and alternatives, or took
steps to control the risk level in Japanese fixed income, he said.
Derisking has remained a theme for corporate plans in
Japan, with decreasing domestic and international equity allocations. Public
plans, however, have been increasing their equity allocations, adjusting them
to meet 2015-set policy allocations of 50%
article originally appeared in the January 23, 2017 print issue as, "Returns strong
in 2016 despite scary beginning".
Many thanks, Loraine, for keeping us informed.
ReplyDeleteThank you for this very detailed article. Is the SG being informed about all these PF issues? Is there a serious representation for retirees and, most important, their surviving spouses and eventually children?