Saturday, July 23, 2022

The UN Pension Board's unethical ethics policy, by Michelle Rockcliffe, 20 July 2022

Michelle Rockcliffe

July 20  · 

The UN Pension Board’s unethical 
Ethics Policy (see below)

The letter (Version 5 no less) sent by the Pension Board Chair to CCISUA at the behest of the “Bureau” - four (4) board members who make up a small contrived “elite” group of pension board members is evidence of the egregious plan to expel both observers and duly elected members who take seriously their fiduciary duty to their constituents and who express independent views. As stated in the CCISUA response, this is nothing less than censorship.

Similar to the ethics rules mentioned in the Chair’s letter, terms of reference of the Chair annexed to the Pension Board Regulations in 2020 and 2021 have been expressly created to censor and stifle debate in the Pension Board creating a 4 member Bureau who work closely with 3 non-defined “spokespersons” effectively reducing the Board to 7 members and stifling any dissenting voices. This is contrary to best practices in public pension funds where all board members have an equal voice.

Notably, the poorly defined confidentiality statement was a brainchild created between 2015/16 almost 70 years after the Fund was established, but clearly reflecting the authoritarian leaning of the pension administration from that point going forward.

If we the shareholders of the UNJSPF understand that pension board meetings should be attended by all stakeholders (participants, retirees, survivors and taxpayers) as is customary in our peer public pension funds, then we would realize how ludicrous this letter is. (Listen for just 6 minutes starting at minute 44:00 of this peer pension fund meeting)

It is about time that the GA makes a change and opens up Pension Board meetings to all stakeholders; then the Board might become more focused on substance instead of trying year after year how to make themselves the exclusive owners of what should be public information. 

Ethics Policy:

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