Saturday, July 23, 2022

"What happens when rights are violated within the United Nations", 2 July 2022.


"What happens when rights are violated within the United Nations?", The Citizen· 

"The UN’s much-talked about ‘zero-tolerance policy’ on sexual harassment has become a matter of ridicule with the recent appointment of Kingston Rhodes to the pension committee of the Association of Former International Civil Servants, a charter member of FAFICS (Federation of Associations of Former International Civil Servants), and thus represented in the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board….

Rhodes, who earlier served as the Chairman of the International Civil Service Commission (ICSC), which regulates salaries and working conditions for staff members across the UN was in 2017, accused of sexual harassment by four women, including Sri Lankan UN staffer Shihana Mohamed….

Rhodes resigned two weeks before he was due to retire in December 201 [2018]. Presumably, there was some pressure because the allegations were found to be credible. But he wasn’t fired as he should have been. He was allowed to resign. Shockingly now almost four years later, he’s back in this affiliated organization. Though not exactly a UN agency, they take care of the pensions of former staff…"

Read the full article here:

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